A Stronger Jewish Community

By taking a few minutes of your time you will have the opportunity to express your opinion about where you think UJA’s funding priorities should lie and what the core issues are that we need to be focusing upon over the coming years. Most importantly you will be participating in a community wide effort to work together to take responsibility for shaping our collective future.

The critical data obtained through your participation will be considered as UJA’s Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Directors puts together its plan for the coming years. The results of the survey as well as the new strategic plan will be made available in late summer, 2015.

  • $55 to $60 million each year UJA Federation raises between $55 to $60 million each year and allocates those dollars where they are needed the most.

  • How would YOU allocate it? We want to know what moves you! Use the tools below to create a portfolio with a range of priorities, investing in local and international programs and initiatives.

  • A stronger Jewish Toronto The results of this survey will help strenghten the Jewish community and the Jewish people.

UJA Community Survey

1. Please select the options that you feel should impact UJA Federation’s strategic planning over the next 5 years.

Select all that apply:

2. UJA Federation's Mission Statement

UJA Federation’s mission statement is “To preserve and strengthen the quality of Jewish life in Greater Toronto, in Canada, in Israel and around the world through philanthropic, volunteer and professional leadership.” For this statement to be relevant for the next 5 years, do you suggest any changes?

3. How is UJA Federation doing in relation to its mission statement?
Terrible Not Good Average Good Excellent Not sure

4. What do you think UJA Federation’s role is in serving the Jewish community?

Select all that apply:

5. Which of the following resonated most when UJA Federation took a leadership position within the Jewish community of Toronto?

Select all that apply:

6. What are the top four ways UJA Federation can engage those under 40?

Please select four:

7. What can UJA Federation do to strengthen its fundraising?

Select all that apply:

8. Priorities

This pie chart illustrates the current breakdown of how UJA Federation allocates its funds. Please change the percentages below to illustrate how YOU would like to see the funds allocated.

Drag the sliders on the right to change the values. If you are happy with a value just use "LOCK" to make sure it won't change.

Lock 10 23 4 28 14

9. Final comments

Thank you again for contributing to UJA Federation’s strategic planning process. Please let us know if there is anything else that you would like to add in the box below. We appreciate your help in strengthening our organization and the community we serve.

10. Personal information (optional)



Please note that your contact information will not be shared and will be used to keep you informed about UJA’s Strategic Plan.